London-based patisserie chain Caffè Concerto is launching a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) in an effort to reduce its rent debt after facing legal action from one of its landlords.
The Times
reports that the group, which operates 20 sites in the capital, will use the CVA to try and force landlords to accept about 20p in the pound of what they are owed.
Caffè Concerto director Stephano Borjak said it had been left with no option after landlords lodged court proceedings.
Last week it was reported that both Caffè Concerto and burger brand Five Guys were
facing legal action over unpaid rent after one of their landlords, Criterion Capital, filed respective county court claims against each operator.
Friday Five: the week s top news This week s main hospitality news stories include Government s plan to reopen the economy under national, not tiered restrictions; and landlord Criterion Capital launching legal action against hospitality tenants over unpaid rent.
- The hospitality sector
could reopen from the third lockdown under national rather than regional restrictions, according to Boris Johnson. Despite the Government having recently announced the return of the tier system, which was introduced before the second national lockdown and which saw different parts of the country placed into different tiers, the Prime Minister said earlier this week that a blanket approach across the country was now more likely. “It may be that a national approach, going down the tiers in a national way, might be better this time round, given that the disease is behaving much more nationally,” he said. “If you look at the way the new variant has taken off a
Where to dine under the DSF lights at City Walk this year
3rd January 2021
Sponsored: City Walk Dubai transforms into an Instagrammable wonderland as part of the Dubai Shopping Festival. Here’s a look at some of the best restaurants in City Walk to try right now…
The 26th edition of Dubai Shopping Festival is in full swing, and nowhere is it more exciting than at City Walk Dubai. In between its dazzling lights, shopping opportunities, life-changing raffles and entertainment, there’s an eclectic range of restaurants that surround this beautiful open-air district. Here are some of the best restaurants in City Walk Dubai that are worth visiting today…