RESOURCES are being stepped-up across BCP after a girl was raped in the water off Bournemouth beach. Bournemouth Police and BCP Council have announced that they will be increasing high-visibility patrols across the beach in the following days and months. The victim, a 15-year-old girl, was with her friends - on Sunday, July 18 - playing with a ball when it landed in front of a teenage boy. The boy eventually threw it back to one of the group and then began talking to the victim, before pulling her out deeper into the sea where it is reported that he raped her.
Portfolio Holder for Community Safety at BCP Council Councillor May Haines said: “Fly-tipping is an environmental crime and undermines the majority of local residents who want to live and work in a clean and safe environment. “We are committed to tackling the issue and these plans are an ideal opportunity to reduce incidents of fly-tipping whilst remaining cost neutral to the council. “Any enforcement activity is not undertaken lightly or to generate income, but as a necessary driver to keep our area clean – we are committed to leading our communities towards a cleaner, sustainable future that preserves our outstanding environment for generations to come and this will hopefully encourage people to go through the proper channels to dispose of their waste.”