It is a year since the Abbco Tower fire in Sharjah, when flames engulfed the 190-metre tall tower after iftar on a Tuesday evening in early May. Residents told their stories to us in the days after the fire, recounting how they made their way out of the building. The hurt and disorientation was obvious in their testimonies.
One person we spoke to said: “I don’t have anything except the phone in my hand and the clothes I am wearing.” Another told us: “You could smell the smoke but you couldn’t see it – which was probably worse.”
A popular member of the “mums group” I’m part of once whispered in my ear that my one-year-old son was “a bit too thin”. I almost choked on a French fry before the anxiety kicked in. My son had been weighed plenty of times by his doctor and there were no problems until this “friend” put it in my head that there may be.
mum liked to congratulate the rest in our group loudly when our children hit any of their milestones, as if she were monitoring every step. “Is he talking yet?” she would often ask of my 16-month-old