SHREVEPORT, La. - Many of the so-called experts were predicting a hiring boom in April. But that boom turned into a bust with a measly 266,000 jobs added, causing unemployment
Print article An official with a union that represents a number of blue-collar workers with the state of Alaska, the municipality of Anchorage and other entities said a mailer issued by the Dave Bronson campaign sends an incorrect message that the union has endorsed the candidate. The Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 71 has not endorsed Bronson, who is running for Anchorage mayor against Forrests Dunbar, said Jordan Adams, the union’s business manager, in a letter to Bronson dated Thursday and posted on the union’s site. The mailer that Adams references recently hit mailboxes. It’s titled “Anchorage is at a CROSSROADS.”
SHREVEPORT, La. - Some in the hospitality industry consider the impact of COVID-19 nine-times worse than 9/11.
Hospitality and tourism are some of Louisiana s biggest employers, bringing in $2 billion prior to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The statewide shutdown led to the loss of nearly 50,000 jobs supporting the hotel industry and more than 16,000 direct hotel-related jobs.
The National Restaurant Association estimates restaurants lost $240 billion in projected revenue in 2020. But business is picking up in 2021 and the help wanted signs are abundant.
The Greater Shreveport Chamber partnered with the Louisiana Restaurant Association for a Hospitality Hiring Fair Tuesday at LSU Shreveport.
Hotels and restaurants have a lot of job openings that they can t fill right now.
Sunday, 02 May 2021 - 12:13
Four suspects have been arrested by the CID for illegally obtaining Rs. 43 mn from an account of a leading Steel Manufacturer by producing forged cheques.
The CID arrested four members of an organized crime gang who had obtained Rs. 43 million by presenting forged checks from an account maintained in a private bank owned by a well known steel factory.
It has been revealed that the suspects had committed this illegal transaction on the 12th of April just before the New Year.
They have targeted the funds in an account belonging to this steel factory. Checks have been prepared similar to the checks of the relevant company. The police stated that the fraud had been committed by a group of people who were dressed similar to the employees and pretending to be from the company.
Adam King
Texans over the age of 21 could soon be allowed to carry a handgun in public without a permit, background check or training. The bill, which is being led through the Texas Senate by Charles Schwertner, could make its way to floor next week.Â
Texans may soon be allowed to carry a handgun in public without a permit, background check or training.
In a span of a few weeks, Texas lawmakers have pushed closer granting âpermitlessâ carry â a move that is alarming to some in law enforcement and has split a Republican-controlled state Senate.
âWhat is going on out there that we need to overhaul a system that works?â said Kevin Lawrence, executive director of the Texas Municipal Police Association. âWe are fine with law-abiding citizens having guns. But there are still some people who should not be allowed to carry guns in public.â