As a lead-in to the launch of the Summer Bandshell Concert series, the Boy Scouts and American Legion are doing a flag retirement ceremony on Tuesday, at 6:30 at the Bandshell in Memorial Park, before Nu-Blu takes center stage to usher in the summer in Dickinson.
A SCARBOROUGH theatre has been awarded nearly £238,000 by the Garfield Weston Foundation to secure its future. The Weston Culture Fund has granted £237,752 to the Stephen Joseph Theatre (SJT), which will use the money to support a summer and autumn season of work, likely to include a new play by director, Alan Ayckbourn. It will also contribute towards equipment and training to allow film recordings of the live shows, and a programme of community-focused screenings of the resulting films aimed at engaging those who might not usually access live theatre. Caroline Routh and Paul Robinson, joint chief executives of SJT, said: “We are absolutely delighted that the SJT and Scarborough have benefitted from the great generosity of the Garfield Weston Foundation, which has done such remarkable work over the past 60 years.
Erie Times-News
Fossil fuel industry is dying and it will take us down with it
Profits and cash flow for the industry were down even before the pandemic, but Pennsylvania continues to prop up fracking with taxpayer-funded subsidies. It isn’t a jobs savior either. In 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics lists 4,900 direct jobs. The Department of Environmental Protection’s 2019 energy report adds 3,000 in electricity by natural gas. Combine state and federal sources for related jobs, and we only reach 26,000-50,000.
Society must move toward a circular economy that reuses, not produces more waste. While the industry wants to double plastic production by 2050, they need it; we don’t. More plastic, more fossil fuels. All they’re doing is feeding themselves and burying us in single-use plastic. Micro-plastics and pellets get into land and water during transport and production. When wildlife and humans consume these particles, they can physically damage organs and leach hazardous