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Renewable Natural Gas Emerging as Serious Decarbonized Gas Contender
Last December, two giant Virginia-headquartered firms energy company Dominion Energy and food manufacturer Smithfield Foods announced completion of a novel renewable natural gas (RNG) facility in Milford, southwestern Utah. While the Milford facility is the first of four similar projects that Align Renewable Natural Gas a joint venture formed in November 2018 between Dominion and Smithfield is spearheading, it is just one of a string of new, notable developments that suggest RNG is quickly gaining ground as the energy transition unfolds.
Interest in renewable natural gas (RNG) has skyrocketed as biogas becomes an important fuel of the future. RNG is a carbon-neutral fuel that is interchangeable with natural gas, but understanding their differences is critical to bridge the gap for successful system-wide integration from safe pipeline injection to final use.
How is gas quality assessed? How does it compare with pipeline natural gas? Where is it being used? In this session, GTI will cover critical questions and share the latest insight on how renewable methane can help with decarbonization.
Ted Barnes, Karen Crippen, and Amanda Harmon discuss Renewable Natural Gas. READ MORE