UPDATE - Twitter Blocks Account of Russia s Delegation to Vienna Security Talks Sat 13th February 2021 | 05:30 PM
MOSCOW/VIENNA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 13th February, 2021) Twitter has blocked the account of the Russian delegation to the Vienna talks on military security and arms control, the delegation s head, Konstantin Gavrilov, said on Saturday.
According to the platform, the account violated its rules. On Feb 12, @TwitterSupport blocked the official account of the RUS Arms Control Delegation (@armscontrol rus). What are the reasons? An alternative position of RUS on the trends of the current pol-mil situation in Europe voiced at the @OSCE [the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe] Seminar on Mil Doctrines? Gavrilov wrote on his Twitter account.
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Twitter Blocked Account Of Russia’s Delegation To Vienna Arms Control & Security Talks
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IMAGE: https://twitter.com/armscontrol rus
On February 12, Twitter blocked the account of the Russian delegation to the Vienna talks on military security and arms control.
The delegation’s head, Konstantin Gavrilov, said that the platform claimed that the account somehow violated the rules of the platform.
On Feb 12, @TwitterSupport blocked the official account of the RUS Arms Control Delegation (@armscontrol rus). What are the reasons? An alternative position of RUS on the trends of the current pol-mil situation in Europe voiced at the @OSCE Seminar on Mil Doctrines? @mfa russia
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Thursday, December 10, 2020 by: Franz Walker
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https://www.hangthecensors.com/480226.html (Natural News) Politicians in Switzerland have voiced outrage and demanded an investigation after it was revealed that the
“How can such a thing happen in a country that claims to be neutral like Switzerland?” exclaimed Cedric Wemuth, co-head of Switzerland’s Socialist Party, Cedric Wermuth, in an interview with Swiss public broadcaster
SRF on Thursday, Dec. 3.
Wermuth has called for a parliamentary inquiry after an
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