GAÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dekan Yardımcısı Yrd. Doç. Dr. Özgür Batur, Eğitim Fakültesi alanında uzmanlaşmak isteyen öğrencilerin eğitim bilimleri alanı ile ilgili bi
GAÜ 2021-2022 Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi akademisyeni Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ferit Acar, fakülte ile ilgili açıklamalarda bulunarak, "İyi bir sporcuysa eğer öğrenci, y
Carl Gustaf Recoilless Rifle
The Carl Gustaf is a Swedish-designed, 84mm recoilless rifle that, thanks to its light-weight design, is a favorite of special forces, paratroops as well as mountain warfare specialists essentially any unit that would puts a premium on how many pounds its forces can carry. The Swedish armed forces introduced the Gustaf just after World War II, and since then it’s weight has steadily decreased. Thanks to a titanium-lined barrel and carbon fibre components, today’s Gustaf weighs a mere fifteen pounds, or under 7 kilos. And regardless of what the mission calls for, the Gustaf has elevent types of ammunition to get the job done, including high-explosive, high-explosive anti-tank, area defense, and rocket-assisted laser-guided precision ammunition.