Call of Duty: Warzone Nuke Event Date Possibly Set In New Dam Teaser
On 4/13/21 at 11:23 AM EDT
Call of Duty: Warzone s Verdansk map has been slowly flooding with zombies, with leaks suggesting the onslaught will eventually lead to the entirety of the classic arena getting nuked. Now, following the arrival of new influencer teases, we may know when the alleged nuke event is expected to take place. The news arrives courtesy of a tweet from
Call of Duty shoutcaster, Joe MerK DeLuca. Call of Duty: Warzone might be having its nuke event April 21 at 12 p.m. The date and time were revealed in a new teaser. Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC.
We’ve all been waiting for something big to happen on Warzone’s Verdansk map, and we’re finally about to get it.
Call of Duty League caster Joe ‘MerK’ DeLuca posted an image on Twitter this morning of a package he received from the Warzone team. It’s a Verdansk dam construction helmet along with this message:
“Once the hostiles reach here, we levee a guess that Verdansk is all but gone to the damned. April 21st 12 PM.”
That date lines up with when the current season is set to wrap up.
The current season kicked off with a huge boat crashing ashore on Verdansk filled with zombies. Over the past several weeks, those zombies have made their way from the Prison area of Verdansk to Downtown and TV station.