New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation invites the public to kick off the new year and New Yearâs Day with a hike. Five state parks across New Hampshire will host free hikes to provide the opportunity for individuals and families to welcome in 2020 in the outdoors, exercising and connecting with nature.
Registration and check in for First Day Hikes, at all locations, will run from noon to 2 p.m. Hikes commence at noon and continue to 4 p.m. Online registration at is recommended.
New Hampshire parks will serve a hot beverage and a healthy snack to returning hikers.
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My husband, Dick, and I are inveterate travelers. We like nothing more than to pack our car and start driving cross country with plans to camp in our little two-person tent along the way. This year the pandemic forced us to cancel those plans. What could we do instead?
Friends mentioned the book Cruising New Hampshire History: A Guide to New Hampshire’s Historical Markers written by Michael A. Bruno. They were on a quest to see all of the 255 markers listed in the book. Since more markers are added each year the total is now 267. We decided that we wanted to see them too. All the markers can be found on the state website. The markers are ones you have probably driven past without paying much attention. They are green with white lettering and have the state seal at the top. Sometimes there is a sign, “Historical Marker Ahead.”
This is New Hampshire Audubonâs Rare Bird Alert for Monday, Dec. 14.
During the Corona virus outbreak N.H. Audubon encourages you to enjoy birding safely; please follow travel and social distance recommendations from state and federal authorities.
A Pacific loon was seen from Leavitt Park Beach on Lake Winnipesaukee in Meredith on Dec. 13. Birders were unable to relocate it on the 14th, however a double-crested cormorant was reported from Center Harbor on the 14th.
Thirteen horned grebes were seen near Black Cat Island on Lake Winnipesaukee on Dec. 13.
A red-throated loon was seen on Lake Waukewan in Meredith on Dec. 8.
This is New Hampshire Audubonâs Rare Bird Alert for Monday, Dec. 7.
During the Corona virus outbreak N.H. Audubon encourages you to enjoy birding safely; please follow travel and social distance recommendations from state and federal authorities.
A long-eared owl was photographed at Canobie Lake on Dec. 6.
Four tundra swans were reported from Great Bay on Dec. 5 and a redhead was reported from Great Bay on the 3rd.
A male Barrowâs goldeneye was seen in Mile Long Pond in the Androscoggin River in Errol on Nov. 30, and one was seen on Lake Winnisquam on Dec. 6.
A black scoter was seen on Spofford Lake in Chesterfield on Dec. 2.