HAMPTON BEACH — N.H. Division of Parks and Recreation’s State Beach Patrol and Hampton Beach State Park Lifeguards will host the 2023 Water Safety Day on Thursday, July 27, 11
CONCORD —The public is being asked to again help protect endangered piping plovers on the Granite State’s coastline as chicks hatch along the sandy shores of Hampton and Seabrook Beaches.
CONCORD —New Englanders interested in helping shape New Hampshire’s upcoming five-year outdoor recreation plan are invited to participate in an online survey through February 24, 2023.
Our region’s iconic namesake, one of the most-climbed mountains in the world, is a treasure trove of trivia. We could easily ask 1,000 questions to test your knowledge of Mount Monadnock, but here are a few to get you started and warmed up for a.