What a change it was from receiving hundreds of responses about the Light Horse Interchange poles early last week to just the one about the poles at Eridge Park (C8). Val Keys of Moss Vale has driven past these poles thousands of times and remembers when they were placed there. “The poles are called ‘Winds of Change’ and were commissioned as a public artwork by Wingecarribee Shire Council to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the townships of Moss Vale and Bowral. They were unveiled on 16th May 2013.” If you want more details about the artist and what the leaf on each pole represents, Val suggests the WSC website.
Having not had the opportunity to work from home during this COVID era, Jack Dikian of Mosman is interested to know where those working from home go to when they chuck a sickie . USB-C is great, writes Warren Menteith of Nyatnyatan (Bali). No more fumbling, cursing or damaged bits when plugging in your phone or whatever. Now a challenge to the tech boffins. Please do it on the other end of the cord and the adaptor.
Everyone correctly identified the orange poles artwork (C8) as a memorial to the Light Horsemen at the appropriately named Light Horse Interchange on the M4. Congratulations! A few readers observed that the site is particularly significant as the Light Horse trained at nearby Wallgrove, some actually managed to appreciate the humour in the suggestions in John s item while others admitted to their own original confusion about the poles upon first seeing them, thinking they were unfinished electrical poles. Those who regularly pass the location lamented