February 1, 2021 Share
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF, Independent US Federal Government Commission), in its annual report 2020, recommended for placing India under the category of ’countries of particular concern’, thereby tarnishing the image of the country for alleged religious persecution of minorities. The report seems to have relied on the information provided by the United Christian Forum, Persecution Relief and the Evangelical Fellowship of India.
The United Christian Forum had released on its website, a half-yearly report (January-June 30, 2020) containing 122 incidents. Many of the incidents were exaggerated and not factual. Moreover, incidents of criminal nature were portrayed as communal without corroboration. The UCF had launched (January 23, 2015) a national helpline number for the victims of violence and information provided on this helpline was treated as incidents of religious persecution of minorities. The off
Hagatna, Guam, Jan 18, 2018 / 05:00 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- An embattled archbishop in Guam has denied an allegation that he raped his nephew nearly 20 years ago, when his accuser was a teen.
Mark Apuron, nephew of Guam’s Archbishop Anthony Apuron, filed a lawsuit Jan. 10, claiming that his uncle raped him in a Church bathroom in 1989 or 1990. This is the fifth lawsuit to accuse the archbishop of sexual abuse of minors during his time as a pastor and bishop.
“God is my witness: I deny all allegations of sexual abuse made against me, including this last one,” wrote Archbishop Apuron in a Jan. 18 statement, according to Guam Pacific Daily News.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a news conference in New Delhi in 2014. | Anindito Mukherjee/Reuters
The Christian community is celebrating Christmas, perhaps more joyously this season so as to get over the trauma and the gloom of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, most churches did not have the traditional midnight mass, and parishioners of many city churches were requested to call early so that they could be allotted seats in churches observing a very strict social distancing. Many attended virtual prayer services, live streamed over the internet through dedicated portals or social media such as Facebook and YouTube.
As happens always in India, festivals are joyous not just for the community that may hold that day holy. Everyone else joins in, greeting friends professing that faith, but themselves also rejoicing in the “secular” aspects of the celebration. Everyone lights a candle on Diwali, and looks forward to special Eid dishes. Ahead of Christimas, t
New Report States India Has Become Increasingly Intolerant of Religious Minorities
12/19/2020 India (International Christian Concern) – According to a new report entitled ‘The South Asia State of Minorities Report 2020’, India has become increasingly intolerant towards it religious minority communities. The report looked at the status of access to personal liberties, especially among minorities, in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
It is true that we minorities are facing the onslaught of the Narendra Modi government very systematically,” A.C. Michael, National Coordinator of the United Christian Forum, told the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCAN). “
As a matter of fact, they have started framing laws that are against the spirit of secularism, democracy, and the republic.”
India s minorities face increasing intolerance
Hate crimes against minorities have seen a spike under the Modi government, says new report
India has become increasingly intolerant towards religious minorities, especially the Muslim community, according to a new report.
The South Asia State of Minorities Report 2020 noted that the general public has come under attack from federal and state governments for criticizing the administration and institutions.
The report looks at the status of access to personal liberties, especially among minorities, in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
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