The N.H. House Commerce Committee has held a hearing on the banning of polystyrene products for food service and storage. The bill is not a total ban, but a good start.It is alarming what harm is being done to the planet by single-use, artificial.
I read with dismay an article in the Feb. 19 Monitor about a proposal (HB 544) to ban “divisive topics” in New Hampshire classrooms. Suppressing undesirable topics sounds like something out of the playbook of General Secretary Xi. Shouldn’t the.
It is no mystery how difficult the conversation around House Bill 544 has been. As a white person, I know the feelings that come up with addressing white supremacy and systemic racism. We hear the words “backward thinking,” “ignorant,” “racist,” and.
If sale to Concord Hospital is rejected, Franklin and Laconia hospitals could close by summer
Lakes Region General Hospital finances chart UMass Medical School Courtesy
hospital service areas UMass Medical School Courtesy
Lakes Region General Hospital
Published: 2/24/2021 3:40:18 PM
The two financially troubled hospitals in the Lakes Region would be renamed Concord Hospital-Laconia and Concord Hospital-Franklin if their sale goes through – and if it doesn’t, they’ll probably shut down before the summer.
Concord Hospital will operate the Franklin and Laconia hospitals for at least five years if they are allowed to buy them out of bankruptcy and “may maintain current levels of service, but with no guarantees,” said Katherine London of Commonwealth Medicine who analyzed the proposed sale for the State of New Hampshire.
Published: 2/23/2021 12:01:33 AM
I am a hardcore Republican, and I believe in forgiveness and the power of prayer.
Some good people get so far in and they don’t know how to back out. Could we please pray for all RINOs out there and our own Jennifer Horn? She has a big loving family and must receive a lot of love.
Also, could we pray for my friend “Mr. Concord Heights” Dick Patten, who passed away recently?
For all that you did for Ward 8, I will never be able to catch up to you. The list is too long to repeat. RIP, my friend.