NOTEBOOK - ONE GOOD READ: On country roads, can a self-driving car take me home? Thursday, December 10, 2020 10:47 AM Here is a fascinating look by Iowa Magazine inside the research taking place at the University of Iowa’s National Advanced Driving Simulator Laboratories, based in the UI College of Engineering. Beginning next year, UI researchers will begin a multiyear study in which a customized, automated Ford shuttle bus will carry research subjects along rural roads through several eastern Iowa towns. The project, backed by a $7 million U.S. Department of Transportation grant, will study the challenges that rural roads present to self-driving vehicles. When companies say they have a vehicle that will drive itself on roadways, one has to ask, which roadways are those? said Omar Ahmad deputy director and project manager of the ADS for Rural America project. The article, “The Road to the Future Runs Through Iowa,” can be found at this link.