Apple IPhone Apple iPhone is a series of smartphones based on the company’s proprietary operating system iOS. The first iPhone, announced in 2007, featured a touch screen input-based user interface, camera, and multimedia playback capabilities. The phone was later upgraded to support internet connectivity, which has since become one of the core capabilities of the iPhone. The first-generation iPhone was followed by a 3G-ready iPhone 3G, and then by a 3GS variant with improved hardware and application support. The iPhone 4 got the thin metallic chassis, high-resolution screen and a front-facing camera for video calls. Its upgrade, the iPhone 4S, got improved hardware and Siri voice assistant. The iPhone 5 featured a bigger 4-inch screen and a new charging port. The iPhone 5S had improved hardware and it introduced touchID in iPhone. The iPhone 5c became the most affordable iPhone with a plastic body.