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SINGAPORE - A man who took part in fraudulent cashback schemes that cheated Spring Singapore and the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) of $60,500 in total was sent to jail on Friday (May 28).
Contact: Ginny Guerreo Email
Thirty commercial and industrial water customers honored for contributions in 2020 and 36 breweries for contributions in 2021.
Austin Water is honoring 30 commercial and industrial water customers for excellence in pretreatment of wastewater, water protection, environmental operations, and community stewardship during the year 2020. In addition, 36 local breweries, wineries and distilleries are being recognized for their public service in distributing potable water and hot meals to Austin Water customers and local businesses during Winter Storm Uri in February of 2021. This is the 29
th Annual Recognition & Awards program for Austin Water.
The following honorees have achieved excellence in protecting the environment by controlling the quality and quantity of their discharges into Austin’s wastewater system:
The Straits Times
13 months jail for 4th man involved in ruse that cheated WDA of $51,000
Lim Biao was sentenced on Feb 23 to 13 months jail for the offences in 2016 against the WDA, now known as SkillsFuture Singapore.ST PHOTO: KELVIN CHNG
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