Friday, June 4, 2021
In March 2021, we reported on a PFAS paper mill lawsuit in Maine, which was a class action lawsuit was filed in Maine by residents of Fairfield, Maine, alleging that a paper mill company polluted residential land with PFAS. The plaintiffs allege that the PFAS pollution devalued their properties, exposed residents to risks of harm to their health, and necessitated costly remediation of the contaminated land.
Yesterday, an Amended Complaint was filed in the case, which added 11 new companies to the case, bringing the total number of companies named in the case to over a dozen. In addition to the original case filing that focused on the Skowhegan paper mill, owned by Sappi and referred to as the Somerset Mill, the amended lawsuit adds companies that owned or operated the Madison Paper Mill, former Winslow Paper Mill, Huhtamaki in Waterville, Androscoggin Paper Mill in Jay, and the former Bucksport Paper Mill.
Friday, June 4, 2021
On June 3, 2021, a group of NGOs sent a petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking the agency to ban “all long- and short-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as food contact substances” and to, unless evidence exists otherwise, reassess previous positions issued by the FDA on PFAS in food packaging. The call for an FDA ban on PFAS in food packaging is significant and will have direct impacts on numerous companies, including paper mills and food packaging manufacturers. The petition follows in the footsteps of several legislative steps at the state level, which has resulted in a few states banning PFAS from food packaging. This development lends support to the opinion we have put forth previously that food packaging companies are one of the top three targets of PFAS products liability related issues.
Pictures Don t Lie: The Javelin Missile Is As Bad Ass As It Looks
This weapon is one of the finest. It is advanced and is feared by many tank commanders around the world.
Here s What You Need to Remember: The Javelin doesn’t look as sleek and deadly as its name would have you think it resembles a clunky dumbbell slightly over one meter in length. Fortunately, you don’t need good looks to blow up a tank.
The U.S.-made FGM-148 Javelin is one of the premier portable anti-tank missile systems in the world. It’s also an expensive piece of kit, with each missile typically costing more than the targets it eliminates.
[co-author: Nicole Sockett]
The FTC recently held a workshop titled “Bringing Dark Patterns to Light,” a recording of which can be found at the following link. The workshop centered around exploring the effects of digital “dark patterns” on consumers and the marketplace.
The term “dark patterns” refers to a range of potentially deceptive website design tactics that can manipulate consumers’ behavior or limit their autonomy. Dark patterns can deceive consumers into purchasing, sharing, or agreeing to items consumers did not intend to purchase, share, or agree to. Dark patterns are also employed to make it confusing or difficult to terminate agreements or subscriptions. Increasingly, companies are also using dark patterns to manipulate consumers into giving up their personal data, which is sold and then used to target advertising and manipulate future behavior.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
The FTC recently held a workshop titled “Bringing Dark Patterns to Light,” a recording of which can be found at the following link. The workshop centered around exploring the effects of digital “dark patterns” on consumers and the marketplace.
The term “dark patterns” refers to a range of potentially deceptive website design tactics that can manipulate consumers’ behavior or limit their autonomy. Dark patterns can deceive consumers into purchasing, sharing, or agreeing to items consumers did not intend to purchase, share, or agree to. Dark patterns are also employed to make it confusing or difficult to terminate agreements or subscriptions. Increasingly, companies are also using dark patterns to manipulate consumers into giving up their personal data, which is sold and then used to target advertising and manipulate future behavior.