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The owner of a long-time Sault Ste. Marie business vows he’ll keep getting tough on crime at his store after a man tried to take merchandise worth several thousand dollars from his Steelton business.
The suspect was stopped by Herb Lash, Jr., and his father. The senior Lash was hurt in the incident.
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Try refreshing your browser. Fighting crime in fashion for Lash Back to video
Herb Lash, Sr., confronted a suspicious customer shortly before Christmas at H.R. Lash clothing store on John Street.
The man allegedly put seven men’s winter jackets in a duffle bag that he’d stashed in the back of his jacket and was trying to leave the business. The one door that customers can use was locked, preventing him from leaving, because of his suspicious behaviour. Lash, Sr., and the man wrestled with each other. Lash, Jr., was tipped off about the man by employee Patti Hawdon. He watched what was happening outside the