//]]>// >By John P. Mello Jr.
Mar 17, 2021 4:00 AM PT
A new social media platform based on voice messaging launched Monday.
Called Swell, free apps for the platform can be found in Apple s App Store and in Google Play.
According to the developers of Swell, it s the first social platform to focus exclusively on asynchronous audio conversations, where audio clips up to five minutes in length can be posted to the site.
Any Swell member can host a conversation and has control over who may participate in it, as well as make posts.
Pictures and links can also be posted to conversations, but they must be accompanied with a voice message.
Teamwork and leadership less important amidst lockdown and working from home
A study by the UK s leading independent job board, CV-Library, has revealed that adaptability is now the number one skill required in the workplace. Pre COVID-19, 48.3% of candidates surveyed believed that communication was the top skill required to do their job. After a year of lockdown restrictions, this number has dropped by -11.6%, pushing adaptability into the top spot with 50.8% of the vote, a staggering +22.8% increase from before the pandemic.
The study which surveyed over 2,000 UK professionals aimed to highlight the true impact of the global pandemic, business closures and working from home. Qualifications, teamwork, presentation and leadership skills have all slipped down the list of top skills that candidates feel are essential to do their job.
Jonathan Cran, founder and CEO of Intrigue, a cybersecurity startup based in Austin, Texas, used his company s network security tools to compile a list of Fortune 500 companies still exposed to last month s Microsoft Exchange breach. Potentially, many of those companies may not know their networks are compromised.
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Apr 12, 2021 4:00 AM PT
In the beginning, social media promised to connect us to existing friends, help us form new relationships, and as a result help make us find happier lives. Facebook, initially, was just a way for new students to meet new friends, Quora was a way to get crowdsourced answers, and Twitter sort of a way to alert friends about things they might find interesting.
Today Facebook is the home of fake news, with way too many ads for companies focused on finding new ways to cheat you out of your hard-earned money. Twitter is increasingly a place to experience or hand out abuse. Quora, which ironically is a source for the cause of this problem, has drifted into providing a forum for those that like alternative history.