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Together with the Esso Community Program, McDougall Energy Inc. and Edward Fuels (a division of McDougall Energy) have donated $25,000 towards four local organizations.
“This has been a very challenging year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we want to help brighten up the holidays for those who receive Christmas cheer in the communities we serve,” said Darren McDougall, President, McDougall Energy.
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Try refreshing your browser. Local organizations receive $25,000 from McDougall Energy and Edward Fuels Back to video
Local donations will go directly to Goderich Salvation Army, and Huron Perth Christmas Bureau, in addition to donations to Kincardine and District Ministerial Food Bank and Walkerton and District Food Bank.
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McDougall Energy Inc. and Imperial Oil’s Esso Community Program have donated $20,000 toward three local organizations supporting individuals and families over the holidays.
Donations will go directly to ELLEVIVE Women’s Shelter in Timmins, the Edgar Burton Christmas Food Drive/Sudbury Food Bank, and Manitoulin Family Resources.
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Try refreshing your browser. Firms fuel holiday cheer at Timmins women s shelter Back to video
“Although many of us rejoice during the holiday season, it is often a time of high stress, and it has been shown that domestic violence tends to escalate at this time,” said Chantal Mailloux, executive director of ELLEVIVE. “To relieve some of the financial burden put on women during this time, ELLEVIVE will be offering gift cards to clients in need.”
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Together with the Esso Community Program, McDougall Energy Inc. and Edward Fuels (a division of McDougall Energy) have donated $25,000 towards four local organizations.
“This has been a very challenging year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we want to help brighten up the holidays for those who receive Christmas cheer in the communities we serve,” said Darren McDougall, President, McDougall Energy.
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Try refreshing your browser. Local organizations receive $25,000 from McDougall Energy and Edward Fuels Back to video
Local donations will go directly to Goderich Salvation Army, and Huron Perth Christmas Bureau, in addition to donations to Kincardine and District Ministerial Food Bank and Walkerton and District Food Bank.
Author of the article: Postmedia News
Publishing date: Dec 18, 2020  â¢Â December 18, 2020  â¢Â 1 minute read  â¢Â
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Together with the Esso Community Program, McDougall Energy Inc. and Edward Fuels (a Division of McDougall Energy) have donated $25,000 toward four local organizations supporting individuals and families over the holidays. Donations will go directly to Kincardine and District Ministerial Food Bank, Walkerton and District Food Bank and Gift Program, Goderich Salvation Army, and Huron Perth Christmas Bureau.
By providing essential services such as food banks, Christmas hampers, gifts for Christmas, emergency accommodation and so much more, these organizations are vital to local families and individuals. With the help of many volunteers, community support and generous donations, they help provide comfort to people of all ages and ease any burden caused by additional financial stress during this time of year.