Evanston Now
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:45 p.m.
A packet with information on tonight’s agenda items is available online.
Meeting called to order at 5:54 p.m.
All aldermen present except Aldermen Fiske and Fleming. They both join later.
Mayor Steve Hagerty notes the Evanston Community Foundation is near its goal for emergency pandemic relief.
Asks everyone who has the means to do carryout from restaurants to help them through the tough months of January and February made even tougher by the pandemic.
Regarding the multiple shooting incidents in Chicago and Evanston on Saturday, Police Chief Demitrous Cook says, “This is the most horrific deal I’ve been in in 41 years in law enforcement. Praises the police officers involved in the incident. Says psychological services will be available to members of the police department.
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Presented by the Coalition for Affordable Prescription Drugs
Happy Tuesday, Illinois. There’s a historic
second impeachment coming up this week in Washington. But in these parts, it’s all eyes on Springfield.
Evanston Now
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.
A packet with information on tonight’s agenda items is available online.
Mayor Steve Hagerty is absent tonight. Alderman Tom Suffredin, 6th Ward, is serving as mayor pro tem.
City Clerk Devon Reid says there may be primaries in some aldermanic races.
Alderman Don Wilson, 4th Ward, announces that he has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Says he has what he needs, but mentions opportunities for people to help others deal with the pandemic and urges that people keep looking out for each other.
SP1 – Reparations, restorative housing program
For discussion. Kimberly Richardson of city staff does a presentation on the program (not available online).