4 Tips on Writing Dialogue
Probably the most common question asked by aspiring novelists is how to up their dialogue game. Author Emily Henry gives her top 4 tips here.
May 20, 2021
Probably the most common question I get asked by aspiring novelists is how to up their dialogue game. In the past, I’ve pretty much answered this with, “how much television are you watching?” or “Have you tried being a person who never shuts up?” Writing dialogue was never something I consciously learned, but rather the result of my interests, my personality, and my proclivity for falling down the rabbit hole of Shonda Rhimes shows with a sixteen-season back catalogue.
On the Fridge for May 12
By Dylan Clymer
Breaking Wave Theatre hosts creative workshops
On May 15 and 16, at 10 a.m. Breaking Wave Theatre Company will host two workshops. The workshops are part of a series for the company’s annual production of Unspoken, an anthology of original works that explore the themes of mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention.
The first workshop, “Creating Conversations: Writing Dialogue,” will feature Sharece M. Sallem, who will demonstrate new and unexpected ways to establish a good foundation for scenes with meaningful dialogue. The workshop is limited to 20 participants.
The second workshop, “Embodied Movement, Stories of The Body,” is presented by Lilja Rose. During this workshop she will will guide participants through engaging with their bodies to explore a wide range of physical expression to reconnect with themselves after experiences such as trauma and fear that often makes people shut down. This workshop has no part
FightWriteâ¢: Fight Scenes and Dialogue
In this article, author and trained fighter Carla Hoch answers a writer s question about how to handle dialogue during a fight scene, including pros and cons to having dialogue at all.
Dear FightWrite™,
I keep seeing fight scenes where the protag and villain are dialoguing during a fight. This always seemed a little cheesy to me…how realistic is it that people could have a full conversation while in the middle of a physical fight? And, if so, where should I write dialogue in fight scenes? Anonymous
Writing dialogue in a fight scene: ah, yes, let the controversy begin. There tends to be two camps on this subject. The first says it’s not realistic. The second says it is. Well, I’m going to introduce a third point of view that will hopefully make peace between the factions. Then we can all go watch an action movie.