-Ethiopia, Africa’s second largest country (by population) after Nigeria, is also one of the continent’s largest sources of international migrants.
Along its vast national circumference -some 5,311 kilometres, connecting Ethiopia to Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia- government control posts are limited. Lack of adequate staffing and modern technology impedes proper migration management, a matter of concern for national governments as well as for the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
At the start of this new year, IOM has helped open a new Border Control Post (BCP) between Ethiopia and Kenya. The post, in Ethiopia’s Dasenech district, straddles one of the 830-kilometer Ethiopia-Kenya frontier’s most frequented migratory routes, alongside a major route for Ethiopian migrants trying to reach South Africa. Ethiopians normally pass through Kenya into Tanzania, then travel further south.
The first ferry from Algeciras carrying meat and dairy products from the United Kingdom to Gibraltar arrived in the port on Friday morning.
This is in line with the Government’s contingency plans for supplies to the Rock post Brexit.