The Private Tragedy Of Magazine Queen Nene King
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Nene King is one of Australia’s most successful Magazine Queens. She’s been the Editor and Editor-In-Chief of Woman’s Day, Australian Woman’s Weekly and the Deputy Editor of New Idea. She has had an extraordinary life, but it hasn’t always been easy.
In 1996, Nene’s beloved husband Patrick disappeared in a diving accident. His body was never recovered. And Nene was never the same again.
On this episode of No Filter, she talks about her life since Magazines, her relationship with Patrick and what happened after he disappeared.
Do you remember your 21st birthday party? For some of you, the answer might be a resounding ‘no’, however for others, you may recall the sense of ‘coming of age’, an equal measure of excitement and foreboding as to what might come next, and a deep desire to celebrate.
So as podcasting truly comes of age in Australia, evolving from radio’s awkward, smaller sibling to a sophisticated and individual competitor and companion, it’s time to cut the cake and reveal the 21 Power Players who are shaping the future of this audio sector.
Podcasting Today, Radio Today’s new fortnightly newsletter to support the booming sector, sent out invitations to the industry’s heaviest hitters, to nominate those both within their own organisations, and their competitors, who they see as striking the biggest deals, shaping the content we’re hearing, making the tough business decisions, and innovating to drive the sector forward.