According to a recent study, home confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with a significant shift of nearsightedness for children ages 6 to 8.
This Is Annoying: Why Does Everyone Drive Super Slow On This Part of the 190?
Twice a day I drive down the 190 north and the 190 south, for that matter. After you ve been driving down a certain road for so long you just get a feel for certain little details about each part of that roadway, including what other drivers may or may not have a tendency to do.
I usually get on the 190 at Seneca and then I get off at the Elm Street exit (6). It s my usual way to work.
It s almost every day I notice this drivers going below the speed limit, sometimes as low as 45 mph, after the Hamburg Street exit and before the Elm Street exit, especially in the right lane.