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Helpful Maine Business Uses Strong T-Shirt Sales to Boost Others

320 Ink helps the Maine Community Most recently, 320 Ink teamed up with Rugged Seas for that limited run of special Emma Rose shirts to raise money and benefit the families of the four fishermen that were lost at sea on their fishing vessel, Emma Rose, late last year. So, when you think of one business in Maine that would step up to bust their humps and help other struggling local businesses out due to the pandemic, who else would it be but 320 Ink? According to Channel 8 WMTW, 320 Ink owner Drue Nickerson immediately called a meeting of his creative minds last March when the pandemic was picking up steam and forcing us all into quarantine to come up with a plan to help other businesses that were hit super hard.

Helpful Maine Business Uses Strong T-Shirt Sales to Boost Others

320 Ink helps the Maine Community Most recently, 320 Ink teamed up with Rugged Seas for that limited run of special Emma Rose shirts to raise money and benefit the families of the four fishermen that were lost at sea on their fishing vessel, Emma Rose, late last year. So, when you think of one business in Maine that would step up to bust their humps and help other struggling local businesses out due to the pandemic, who else would it be but 320 Ink? According to Channel 8 WMTW, 320 Ink owner Drue Nickerson immediately called a meeting of his creative minds last March when the pandemic was picking up steam and forcing us all into quarantine to come up with a plan to help other businesses that were hit super hard.

Volunteers team up to make Pike Road a clean place to live

Volunteers team up to make Pike Road a clean place to live Paul Sullivan View Comments Eighteen teams of volunteers picked up trash along 14 miles of roadway in the Pike Road community during April, filling up at least 114 bags of litter. A gas cap to an older-model car, and vintage candy bar wrappers and soda bottles were just some of the interesting items found along the roadside, said Turner Waddell, Pike Road communications specialist.  “We have so many blessings in the Town of Pike Road, and one of them is the beautiful landscape of our community. Each year, the Spring Cleanup provides an opportunity for our community to work together to be good stewards of our natural surroundings,” Mayor Gordon Stone said. “We are so appreciative of the community engagement illustrated by the record-setting participation in our 2021 Cleanup effort.”  

Live Music in Denver May 3 to 6, 2021

Keep Westword Free. Since we started Westword, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we would like to keep it that way. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture. Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who ve won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. But with local journalism s existence under siege and advertising revenue setbacks having a larger impact, it is important now more than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our I Support membership program, allowing us to keep covering Denver with no paywalls.

Kingston voters elect new School Committee member, tax collector

Wicked Local KINGSTON – With nearly double the votes at the polls Saturday, Ken Moalli will be collecting taxes in Kingston going forward. In unofficial voting, Moalli received 491 votes to 236 votes for Jessica Kramer in the race to become Kingston’s next collector of taxes. In a race between two newcomers running to serve on the Kingston School Committee, Megan Cannon received 426 votes to 168 for Katina Bedard. Silver Lake Regional School Committee appointee Emily Davis was chosen by voters to complete the last two years of a three-year term with 345 votes to 188 for Emma Rose Morgan. Leslie-Ann McGee was re-elected, uncontested, 475 votes.

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