Offaly Express
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Judge says Tullamore woman had total disregard for the court
A woman was told she had total disregard for a court order at last week s Tullamore District Court.
Emily Devlin, (31) 1, Kyran Street, Tullamore had driven while she was disqualified with no insurance or driving licence.
She had 23 previous convictions, two for no insurance, and had previously been convicted and disqualified from driving for two years.
Suspended sentences for sisters whole stole items from discount store in Tullamore
Reporter: );
Two women pleaded guilty to stealing from a discount store in Tullamore during last week s local court sitting.
The two sisters were charged with stealing items from Dealz, Cloncollig on two separate occasions in November 2019. The cost of the items was €200.
The defendants were Emily Devlin, 1 Kyran Street, Tullamore, and Roseanne Devlin, 17 Meadowlands, Kilcormac.
Sergeant James O Sullivan told the court Emily had 16 previous convictions, including convictions for theft, and Roseanne had six previous convictions.
The defending solicitor Patrick Martin said Emily is 31 years of age and has four children. “Unfortunately, she suffers from depression and anxiety.” He said Roseanne has six children and suffers from agoraphobia.