Barros was the first recipient in the Southcoast Hospitals community to receive the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. After being chosen by his nursing manager Andrea Laliberte, he gratefully agreed to receive the vaccine the day the 1,950 doses arrived at Charlton. He said he has felt fine since the first dose of the vaccine with some initial soreness in his arm, which he expected from any vaccine. He said he experienced some fatigue, but his arm pain was relieved within 24 to 48 hours after vaccination. A few days later, I felt great, Barros said. I didn t have any symptoms.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the Pfizer vaccine is distributed in two shots spaced 21 days apart. It is given in the muscle of the upper arm. The messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine has some common side effects, including pain, swelling and redness at the location of the vaccine injection, along with chills, tiredness and headache throughout the body. The CDC states these side effects may begin