27 January 2021 at 18 h 01 min Reading time: 30 s
(Photo : Matthew McCully/Record Archives)
In a referendum held on Monday and Tuesday, 83 per cent of voters at Bishop’s University responded “yes” to the question, “Do you agree that the SRC should pursue the addition of a fall reading week to the academic calendar?”
In 2019, current Student Representative Council (SRC) president Enzo Evangelisti ran for election with a fall reading week as a major part of his platform.
Bishop’s University already has one in the winter semester (aka. spring break). They are one of the few Canadian universities without a similar break in the fall semester.
Referendum on fall reading week at Bishop’s 20 January 2021 at 18 h 42 min Reading time: 1 min
(Photo : Record Archives)
A referendum next week brings the possibility for historic alterations to the Bishop’s University academic calendar. The potential implementation of a fall “reading week” is the issue up for debate.
Students are urged to consider the plan and formulate an opinion before the referendum, which takes place via email on Jan. 25 and 26.
Bishop’s has a week off during the winter semester, commonly known as a “reading week” or spring break. However, unlike 44 other Canadian universities, Bishop’s does not have a similar week off school in the fall semester.