Science Fiction & Fantasy
Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 178 - I m Feeling Lucky by Leonid Kaganov [45:25m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (7098)
Clarkesworld Magazine and
Forever Magazine; owner of Wyrm Publishing; and a eight-time Hugo Award Nominee for Best Editor (short form). His anthologies include
Upgraded, Galactic Empires, More Human Than Human, Touchable Unreality, The Final Frontier, Not One of Us, The Eagle has Landed, and the Best Science Fiction of the Years series. His most recent anthology,
The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Volume 5, was published in October by Night Shade Books. He currently lives in NJ with his wife and two sons.
Science Fiction & Fantasy
by Neil Clarke
With the start of a new year comes the inevitable looking back at the previous one. Strictly by the numbers, here’s a quick snapshot of
Clarkesworld’s 2020 output.
Clarkesworld before
76 stories (classified by Hugo Award categories below)
44 short stories
24 interviews
12 works of art for our cover
In preparation for our annual reader’s poll and awards season, here’s a detailed list of the stories we published:
Short Stories
“Mandorla” by Cooper Shrivastava
“Helicopter Story” by Isabel Fall (This is the replacement title for the story published in our January 2020 issue and later withdrawn.)
Science Fiction & Fantasy
by Fiona Moore, read by Kate Baker
Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 171 - The Island of Misfit Toys by Fiona Moore [20:02m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (36765)
Sam van Rood wrote on December 3rd, 2020 at 12:36 am:
whst a delightful and whimsical Christmas tale with the perfect balance of grimes fairy tale and festive hope bravo!
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Driving Ambition, is available from Bundoran Press. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in