The Martha s Vineyard Times
Community celebrates Herb Fosterâs 93rd birthday
Friends, family, and former colleagues thank Island figurehead for decades of dedication to community betterment.
Edgartown FD showed up to extend good wishes. - Jeremy Driesen
Canine well-wisher. - Jeremy Driesen
Cars were decorated for the occasion. -Jeremy Driesen
Well-wishers held up signs going by the house. -Jeremy Driesen
Cars lined up to wish Herb a happy birthday. -Jeremy Driesen
Photo of Herb and his late wife in the window of his house. -Jeremy Driesen
Edgartown Police Chief Bruce McNamee helped direct all the cars that showed up. -Jeremy Driesen
The Martha s Vineyard Times
Police reform act becomes law
Gov. Baker signs, after legislative adjustments are made.
Local activist Lisette Williams, left, Edgartown Police Chief Bruce McNamee, center, and local activist Eugene Langston-Jemison at a protest in front of the Dukes County Courthouse. Lucas Thors
A new act governing Massachusetts police has been signed into law by Gov. Charlie Baker. The governor sent the first draft of the act presented to him back to the legislature over disagreements about law enforcement’s use of facial recognition technology, and the oversight of a committee charged with policing the police.
The most significant element of the act is the formation of a special commission to oversee standards for police officers, to be known as the Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission. It will be an independent state agency that, according to State House News Service, will “establish policing standards, certify law enfo
The Martha s Vineyard Times
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Mike Alberice braves the cold after the Freezin’ for a Reason 5K at Long Point Wildlife Refuge. The race benefited veterans and the West Tisbury School Scholarship Fund. Lexi Pline
Gannon and Benjamin opened their doors to guests to celebrate the Vineyard Haven wooden boatbuilder s 40th anniversary. Lexi Pline
Brian Packish, who was Oak Bluffs selectmen chair at the time, read a prepared statement about then-Fire Chief John Rose and the controversy that swirled around him. Lexi Pline
Times staffers got together to bake pies, and this one, from reporter Brian Dowd, was a hit. Lexi Pline
The Martha s Vineyard Times
Edgartown adds three new special officers
Left to right: Dodi Klingensmith, Tyler Moreis, Alaina Socrat are sworn in during a ceremony on Wednesday.
Left to right: Dodi Klingensmith, Alaina Socrat, Tyler Moreis. Courtesy Town of Edgartown
The Edgartown Police Department welcomed three new year-round special police officers Wednesday morning Dodi Klingensmith, Tyler Moreis, and Alaina Socrat.
Klingensmith was previously a Dukes County Corrections officer, and a special officer in Chilmark and West Tisbury. She has received an extensive amount of specialized law enforcement training, and will be attending the Massachusetts Police Training Council’s Full Time Police Officer Academy in January.
The Martha s Vineyard Times
We understand why some clerk magistrateâs hearings are private. Accusations are easy to make. Providing evidence to back up those accusations is more difficult, and you donât want to sully the reputation of an individual with a baseless claim.
Bagnall was investigated by the Edgartown Police. A detective spoke with Bagnall. He also spoke with Bagnallâs neighbor. And he examined evidence, including a videotape.
We petitioned clerk magistrate Liza Williamson for access to a clerk magistrateâs hearing involving Bagnall â and were denied.
We think Williamson got it wrong. Her reasoning just doesnât work in this case.