The junior class is in charge of fundraising for prom each year, and their main fundraiser is through parking lot sales at special events like Leesburg Bike Fest and the Mount Dora Arts and Crafts Festival. But with the pandemic, most of those were cancelled or postponed and the class was struggling to fund prom.
“It really helps everyone,” Junior Class Sponsor Karen Woodie said. “It helps the juniors raise money for the junior/senior prom, seniors get their own banner and the city gets to join in by displaying them. We were able to get sponsors for every single senior and had enough left over to have an outstanding prom.”
It was a love affair started in his childhood.
“We both grew up on opposite ends of Lake Gracie and more than anyone I knew, he was absorbed with water,” schoolmate Steve Kurtz said. “He just loved being around water, loved marine biology and took a lot of classes in that during high school. Salt water or fresh water, it didn’t matter. He was there.”
The Lake County native turned his love of water into a storied career.
Calvin was a Navy veteran, longtime dive instructor and renowned underwater photographer. He also owned Underwater Adventures, a full service scuba shop, on Magnolia Street in downtown Leesburg.
14-year-old Eustis High student charged with arson at school
Frank Stanfield
EUSTIS A Lake County sheriff’s deputy has arrested a 14-year-old Eustis High School student and charged him with setting fire to the school.
The deputy, acting as the school resource officer, was called by an assistant principal to respond to a fire in the boy’s rest room in Building 8 at 10:51 a.m.
When he arrived, the assistant principal had already extinguished the blaze, but found a mass of burned plastic on the floor. A soap dispenser between sinks had been set on fire. Flames had raced up the wall to the ceiling.
1 hour ago by Joe Byrnes (WMFE)
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The Lake County Health Department is offering the Pfizer vaccine to students 16 and older along with anyone else who is eligible at Eustis High from 3 to 6 Monday afternoon.
It is the next step in the county effort now that about 80 percent of residents 65 and older have been vaccinated.
Administrator Aaron Kissler says the department will keep working at it but some senior citizens won’t want the vaccine. Getting the wider community immunized actually protects those vaccine-hesitant seniors.
Twas a fun change of pace, frankly, to log in to the Sunday Daily Commercial fireside in snowy Tucker County, West Virginia, all the while inhaling just one more of Linda Hohman Oliver s well-buttered scratch biscuits under a generous dollop of home-canned blackberry preserves.
Meantime, back in Lake County, my salute-worthy Friday morning associates at WQBW-1410 AM – James The Boss Floyd, Airman Bob Peters and Rick The Senior Colonel Baysinger – did their usual magnificent job (with or without me) in touting Lake and Sumter s selfless veterans … and those who love them.
Thanks, fellas! Fair to say a confab at Sully s Smokehouse is in order. Tab s mine.