Reward your loved ones with these tote bags
published : 11 May 2021 at 04:00
To celebrate its 30th anniversary, AP (Thailand) is giving away limited edition tote bags featuring outstanding works of art by 30 of the country s leading illustrators during the AP 30 x 30 You Are My Home activity.
This is the first time that a new generation of illustrators were invited to use their own styles to communicate the meaning hidden in each home through illustrations that portray impressive stories or relationships that empower life in a family. Looking more like a massive card, each of the works represents each home space terrace, bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen or garden. They are turned into unique tote bags for this special collection that is not available for purchase anywhere.
Lisa Ellen Niver, M.A. Education, is a science teacher and an award-winning travel expert who has explored 101 countries and six continents. She sailed the seven seas by cruise ship for seven years and backpacked for three years in Asia. Find her talking travel at KTLA TV and in her We Said Go Travel videos with over one and a quarter million views (1,250,000) on her YouTube channel. She is the founder of We Said Go Travel which is read in 235 countries, named #3 on the top 1000 Travel Blogs and the top female travel blogger 3 times in 2019. She has hosted Facebook Live for USA Today 10best, is verified on Twitter and has over 160,000 followers across social media. Niver is a judge for the Gracies Awards for the Alliance of Women in Media and also ran fifteen travel competitions publishing over 2500 writers and photographers from 75 countries on her own site, We Said Go Travel.
Border separation issue makes way into CT producer s latest holiday film with Alyssa Milano
David Gere on location in downtown Cromwell in front of the set at Johnson’s Real Estate for “My Adventures With Santa.”Ryan Sweeney / Contributed photo /
Cromwell-based film producer David Gere has been pushing for more movie shoots in central Connecticut, but his latest executive producer credit is attached to a Texas-shot film with a politically volatile plot, especially for a holiday movie.
“You Are My Home,” which arrived on Netflix this month, was shot in the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas, about 10 miles north of the border. It stars Alyssa Milano, Christián de la Feunte, Angel Parker and Eva Ariel Binder in the story of a young girl who’s separated from her mother at the U.S.-Mexico border. Milano’s character, a social worker, is working to reunite the little girl with her mother for Christmas.