World Obesity Day: Expert decodes the right way to address the epidemic
On World Obesity Day, Dr Vineet L Rao shares the key points that you need to know while addressing an epidemic like obesity.
Here s how to combat obesity the right way
According to the World Health Organisation, obesity is defined a the “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.” It is an epidemic that has affected 800 million people around the world. It is expected to increase by 60 per cent over the next decade, reaching 250 million by 2030.
Obesity is not a lifestyle choice, but a disease and a risk factor for other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and certain forms of cancer. It is even more alarming at times when the world is tackling the microscopic villain, COVID-19. The pandemic has only served to highlight existing challenges within our society as well as the urgency to address problems like obesity. Several reports have indicated that people who are obese o
मोटापा एक क्रॉनिक डिजीज है, जिसका उपचार करना जरूरी है: डॉ. सुजीत झा
मोटापा (Obesity) भारत और दुनिया भर में बढ़ रही एक पुरानी बीमारी यानी क्रॉनिक डिजीज (Chronic Diseases) है। इसे अक्सर कई लोगों द्वारा एक जीवनशैली के मुद्दे के रूप में देखा जाता है, जो बड़े पैमाने पर एक व्यक्ति की खाने की आदतों और शारीरिक गतिविधियों की कमी के कारण होता है। लोग अक्सर मोटापे को अधिक वजन के साथ जोड़ते हैं, पर यह एक बहुत अधिक �