A non-profit group called Transformative Circle did a survey to ask if the city of Coon Rapids, MN should change its name due to the perceived racial overtones it carries.
Coon Rapids nonprofit wants a vote on changing city s name It contains a racial slur and doesn t reflect area s diversity, advocates say. February 8, 2021 8:33pm Text size Copy shortlink:
A Coon Rapids nonprofit is leading an effort to let voters decide whether the city should be renamed, after decades of discussion about whether to eliminate the name s racist connotation.
The nonprofit Transformative Circle launched an informal survey this month to gauge interest in changing the city s name. Founder and Director Lori Anderson said the survey is all about starting a conversation. I ve been wanting to change the name since I moved here 33 years ago, she said. I learned very quickly to say Minneapolis when someone asks me where I m from.
Coon Rapids group wants a vote on changing city s name
Coon Rapids name is derived from Coon Creek, where landowners in the early 1800s hunted an abundance of raccoons for pelts, according to the city s website. But the name also includes a racial slur. The Jim Crow Museum at Michigan s Ferris State University describes coon as a stock character in minstrel performances and the most blatantly degrading of all Black stereotypes.
Written By:
Kim Hyatt / Minneapolis Star Tribune | 9:38 am, Feb. 9, 2021 ×
Coon Rapids, a Minneapolis suburb, is named after Coon Creek, where landowners in the early 1800s hunted an abundance of raccoons for pelts, but the name also includes a racial slur. (Aaron Lavinsky / Minneapolis Star Tribune / TNS)
Coon Rapids group wants a vote on changing city s name
Coon Rapids name is derived from Coon Creek, where landowners in the early 1800s hunted an abundance of raccoons for pelts, according to the city s website. But the name also includes a racial slur. The Jim Crow Museum at Michigan s Ferris State University describes coon as a stock character in minstrel performances and the most blatantly degrading of all Black stereotypes.
Written By:
Kim Hyatt / Minneapolis Star Tribune | 9:38 am, Feb. 9, 2021 ×
Coon Rapids, a Minneapolis suburb, is named after Coon Creek, where landowners in the early 1800s hunted an abundance of raccoons for pelts, but the name also includes a racial slur. (Aaron Lavinsky / Minneapolis Star Tribune / TNS)