Ghombua Community Opens Rural Health Centre
Over a hundred Ghombua residents, Chiefs, elders, church and community leaders, fathers and mothers with their children gathered in great excitement to witness the historic moment for their community, the opening of their new Rural Health Clinic (RHC)
Source: MHMS Thursday, 17 June 2021 09:02 AM
Walking for hours under the scorching heat of the sun simply for medical attention, worst still, losing a family member or friend along the way will now go down in the history books and a thing of the past for around 5 thousand people residing in and around Ghombua community, Guadalcanal.
This week Tuesday, over a hundred Ghombua residents, Chiefs, elders, church and community leaders, fathers and mothers with their children gathered in great excitement to witness the historic moment for their community, the opening of their new Rural Health Clinic (RHC).
#ChooseToChallenge: International Women’s Day Celebrated in Honiara
Women in Solomon Islands celebrating the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. #ChooseToChallenge
Source: MWYCA Tuesday, 09 March 2021 10:17 AM
It was a colorful occasion, with women celebrating International Women’s Day 2021 in Honiara, the nation’s capital.
The event started with a march through downtown Honiara, with women from different organizations and groups being represented.
“I am just happy to be here, supporting all our beautiful women,” said Tracy who is currently doing her final year studies at the National University.