Residence: Cumberland Township
Employment: High School Biology Teacher
Education: Greater Latrobe High School; BA Gettysburg College; MS Wilkes University; Ed, Leadership Shippensburg University (current)
Political Experience: None
Community Involvement: Former YWCA Board Member and former EMT for Gettysburg Fire Department, Current Member of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Parish Council, volunteer coach and helper for programs like AYSO, CYO and many youth oriented activities.
What makes you the best candidate? I own a home in Cumberland Township and am invested in this community. I plan to raise my children here and want the best community for them. Public service is vital and I want to make sure that I contribute in a positive way to my community. I want to serve as a role model for others, especially our youth and my own children. I want to show them that you can not just sit back and watch things happen, you have to be engaged and part of the solution. I consider myself