Work may not be finished until next spring without 24-hour shifts 10:25 pm, May 10, 2021 ×
The pour begins Thursday, April 29, 2021, on the concrete deck of a railroad bridge over the 21st Street underpass in another milestone for the longterm project. The bridge deck on the other rail bridge over 21st Street will be Wednesday, May 5. Work is slated to start on the final of three bridges over Main Avenue in the project area next month. Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor
MOORHEAD Moorhead s engineering department received the OK on Monday night, May 10, to send a letter and have residents provide input on whether a 24-hour, six-day-a-week schedule should be allowed for the Main Avenue underpass project that is in its fourth year.
Contractor wants to accelerate summer bridge work in N.D. and use hay bales to block noise
May 03, 2021
BNSF could begin using new rail bridges in Moorhead, N.D., by the fall.
BNSF Railway
The summer brings longer daylight hours, and one contractor in North Dakota wants to put in more night hours as well.
Crews continue work on the Moorhead underpass project, where concrete decks are currently being poured on two of the three bridges that will be used by Otter Tail Valley and BNSF. The two spans pass over 21
st Street. Once the concrete has reached desired strength, ballast and tracks will be installed.