N.J.’s 25 most romantic spots for Valentine’s Day
Updated Feb 12, 2021;
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Why Valentine’s Day falls in the dead of winter is shrouded in mystery. Some credit (or blame) ancient Romans, who celebrated the feast of Lupercalia on Feb. 15.
The holiday moved, with the rise of Christianity, to Feb. 14, a saint day that celebrated several Christian martyrs named Valentine. What that has to do with love or romance, who knows.
Unless you’re jetting off to St. Barts 78 degrees and sunny as I write this you’re going to be stuck home with your honey, likely with piles of snow outside. Time to get out of the house and liven up your love life!
25 N.J. restaurants we can’t afford to lose to COVID
Updated Jan 11, 2021;
Posted Jan 10, 2021
Baguette Delite (top left), Star Tavern (top center), The Pub (top right), Hobby s Delicatessen (bottom left), Spirito s (bottom center) and White House Subs (bottom right), among the 25 restaurants New Jersey cannot afford to lose. (Pub photo by Avi Steinhardt, Hobby s photo by Ed Murray, White House Sub s photo by Peter Genovese. All other photos by Jeremy Schneider)
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It’s been a brutal 10 months for Garden State grub.
New Jersey has lost dozens of restaurants during the coronavirus pandemic. Some stood for decades, others were just starting their culinary journey neither could make ends meet amid the crippling shutdowns and restrictions.
Business groups, particularly in the restaurant industry, are fuming in the aftermath of the Gov. Cuomoâs orders that again halted indoor dining as of Monday.
The governor, in his press conference last Friday, said outdoor dining and takeout are not affected by the order.
The indoor closure took effect 74 days after city eateries were allowed to seat at 25 percent indoor capacity on Sept. 30.
âNew York City restaurants and the communities they serve were dealt a huge blow today with the stateâs closing of indoor dining in the Restaurant Capital of the World,â said Melissa Fleischut, president and CEO of the New York State Restaurant Association, in an email to the Chronicle.
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Good Monday morning!
Rep. Jeff Van Drew made a buzzer beater on Friday when he signed his name to an amicus brief with 125 other House Republicans seeking to help overturn the presidential election (He was identified on the document as representing the 2nd District of South Carolina, demonstrating just how professional the effort was).