By aardvarchaeology on June 29, 2015.
This year s first week of fieldwork at Stensö Castle went exceptionally well, even though I drove a camper van belonging to a team member into a ditch. We re a team of thirteen, four of whom took part in last year s fieldwork at the site. All except me and co-director Ethan Aines are Umeå archaeology students. We re excavating the ruin of a castle that flourished in the 13th and 14th centuries. This year we have a very nice base at Smedstad, let to us by the genial B&B host Hans-Ola. But we cook our own meals, each day having its designated cooks and dishwashers, and in the evenings we play boardgames.
October 16, 2017
As I learned a few hours ago, and as a few other Sb bloggers have already announced, will shut down at the end of this month. I m going to move Aard and continue my blogging, but I haven t figured out where to move it yet. Suggestions from you, Dear Reader, are most welcome.
October 11, 2017
I don t read much in Swedish. On a whim I decided to check what recent Swedish books I ve read and liked outside work. Turns out they re all popular history. Alla rekommenderas varmt för den som delar mina intressen!
Kring Hammarby sjö. 1. Tiden före Hammarbyleden. Hans Björkman 2016. Local history…