Badanie inFakt: Niemal 9 na 10 przedsiębiorców spodziewa się strat w wyniku Polskiego Ładu - - Aż 87 proc. przedsiębiorców deklaruje, że zmiany zapowiadane w Polskim Ładzie będą dla ich firm niekorzystne – wynika z badania firmy inFakt.
May 27, 2021
The industry was blamed for the Great Recession and has spent most of the past year trying to appear more helpful to struggling borrowers.
Bank CEOs faced questions on Capitol Hill Wednesday about Wall Street practices.
The Senate Banking Committee heard from the heads of the nation s big Wall Street firms, with lawmakers asking questions and Wall Street leaders answering. You argue you don t need government rules forcing you to make changes to your business model, so today start showing some proof, Sen. Sherrod Brown said. Prove to us you re going to use your positions to change the Wall Street system to make our economy work for everyone, not just for CEOs and the wealthy.
Canadian steelmaker Algoma Steel is becoming a publicly listed company through a merger agreed with New York-based blank-check firm Legato Merger Corp in a deal that will value the combined. | May 25, 2021