Burning Man Offers $2,500 ‘Reservations’ to Buy Tickets, Tickets Not Included with Purchase
Still not knowing whether they can even have an event this summer, the Burning Man Project announces a $2,500 “opportunity” to buy tickets (tickets not included) and most of these reservations have already sold out.
Back in the mid-1990s, the billionaires that run professional sports teams came up with a new way to bleed fans of money, a concept called “Personal Seat Licenses.” Under this new season ticketing system, diehard fans had to
buy the right to buy season tickets, and only after buying their Personal Seat License could they buy their season tickets, still at full price. Fans hated it, but their devotion to their teams had them by the short and curlies, and so they bit the bullet and paid the extra thousands, and this system still lives on at stadiums today.