Component 2 of Serbia national disaster risk management plan (NDRMP): Flood hazard and risk mapping
Following the 2014 fl oods, the Serbian Government approved a National Disaster Risk Management Program (fi nanced by EU IPA II funds) to develop a long-term risk management system, including the generation of fl ood risk information. The country is aligning its water legislation with the EU: in the case of fl ood management, the UE Floods Directive is almost fully transposed into the Water Law in Serbia.
In this context, the Project prepared fl ood hazard and risk maps for 75 Areas of Potentially Signifi cant Flood Risk (APSFR) previously identifi ed in the Sava (incl. Bosut, Kolubara, Drina), Danube (incl. Banat,
Facilitating that Ecuadorians residing abroad can go to the polls amid sanitary restrictions due to the pandemic, the non-printing of ballots to elect Andean parliamentarians and adjusting the operation of the Computerized System of Scrutiny and Results (SIER) are the activities that the
National Electoral Council (CNE) must resolve in the final stretch of the organization of the electoral day that will take place this Sunday, February 7.
Marked by setbacks, the CNE will face its second electoral process
On March 12, 2020, the Council declared itself in an electoral period, and in the last eleven months of organizing the elections, the work of the five councilors has been marked by internal political, budgetary, and logistical setbacks, to which the pandemic was added.
The office of the Judge of
the Contentious Electoral Tribunal (TCE), Joaquín Viteri, admitted to processing a contentious subjective appeal presented by the political movement
Justicia Social , against a resolution of
the National Electoral Council (CNE) , related to the registration of its candidates to the
Andean Parliament, within the framework of the national elections of February 7, 2021.
TCE admitted for processing a Social Justice appeal and the election of Andean parliamentarians for this February 7 stalls
With this, the printing of Andean parliamentarians’ ballots will remain on hold, while the TCE does not resolve this case.
This appeal filed by Social Justice seeks that the CNE give it more days to register its candidates, and not one as it was resolved on January 20.
Councilor Hernán Ulloa asks to suspend printing of ballots for the elections
In a letter addressed to the president, he suggested that he make this suggestion to the Military Geographical Institute in order to avoid wasting State resources. “I suggest (…) that you request the Military Geographical Institute (IGM) of the Armed Forces of Ecuador (FFAA) to suspend the printing of electoral ballots, until the final pronouncement of the TCE regarding the complaint for non-compliance with one of its sentences ”.
“The last word in electoral matters is held by the Contentious Electoral Tribunal (TCE), the judicial entity of the Electoral Branch, and not the National Electoral Council (CNE), which is the administrative entity of the Electoral Branch. The TCE is about to resolve the breach of one of its sentences and who knows if this resolution would change the electoral landscape and the ballot, ”the letter says.