노원구, 체감형 스마트 통합플랫폼 완성 태양광 이용한 스마트벤치서 휴대폰 충전환경 따라 자동 개폐되는 스마트그늘막 설치앱으로는 코로나 검사 대기 현황 실시간 파악 입력 : 2021-07-28 11:00:58 ㅣ 수정 : 2021-07-28 11:01:11
[뉴스토마토 윤민영 기자] 서울 노원구(구청장 오승록)가 주민들이 길을 걷다가도 경험할 수 있는 구민체감형 스마트도시 통합플랫폼 구축을 완료했다고 28일 밝혔다.
스마트시티 통합플랫폼 구축 사업은 방범, 교통, 환경 등 각종 정보를 통합운영센터와 연계해 관리·운영함으로써 정보의 활용도를 높이고 도시 안전망을 구축하는 사업이다. 구는 2020년 국토교통부 ‘스마트시티 통합플랫폼 기반구축 사업’에 공모·선정돼 국비 6억을 지원받았다. 여기에 구비를 더해 총 11억9000만원의 예산을 투입하고 지난 1
[bnt Photo] WJSN’S SEOLA,‘Eye-catching on the fingernails’ Write: 2021-04-13 16:36:46 / Update: 2021-04-13 16:43:34 The bnt news provides the latest news coming with 6 languages including Korean, English and French leading not only cultural but also industrial Korean waves.
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target= blank > Director, Song Soo of film, Fake, Beethoven , Awarded 2021 Talent Share Contribution Awards & Creative Innovation Management Awards
[by EntTeam] Director, Bong Soo of film, Fake, Beethoven was selected as the winner of the Korea Talent Culture and Arts Awards at the Talent Share Distribution Awards & Creative Innovation Management Awards in the first half of 2021. 2021 Talent Share Contribution Awards & Creative Innovation Management Awards , which was co-hosted by the Korea Talent Share-Management Association (Chairman Choi Se Guy) and the Korea Creative Management Association, organized by the Future Knowledge Management Institute, and sponsored by the Ministry of SMEs & Startup and The Korea Economic Daily, is an event that practices talent donation, selects people who have contributed to social development, awards the grand prize, and honors them.
Police name suspect in possible stalking murder case
Posted : 2021-04-05 20:27
Updated : 2021-04-05 22:04 The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on Monday revealed the identity of a suspect in the grisly murders of a mother and two adult daughters last month.
Kim Tae-hyun / YonhapKim Tae-hyun, 24, is accused of killing a woman whom he had allegedly stalked, her mother and younger sister at their home in northeastern Seoul on March 23.
The police held a committee meeting, comprising three internal officials and four outside experts, on earlier in the day to conclude that the disclosure of the man s personal information, including his photo and name, worked in the best interest of the public given the gravity of his crime and high public interest in the case.