Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that preparations were underway for holding Assembly elections in the future in Jammu and Kashmir and the work on re-drawing of constituencies was progressing well. “The Delimitation Commission has been constituted in Jammu and Kashmir and preparations are on for holding Assembly elections in the future,” the prime minister said
Men and women dressed in saffron, white and green clothes and children got the national flag painted on their cheeks as Delhi soaked in the colours of "desh bhakti" on the 75th Independence Day on Sunday. A number of people gathered in central Delhi's Connaught Place and on the roads leading to the iconic India Gate in the afternoon despite muggy weather to participate in the
Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS) Lieutenant General CP Mohanty has proceeded on a five-day visit to the United States, the Ministry of Defence informed on Sunda
The opposition parties in Parliament have probably shown the "worst possible" behaviour that they could and have left nothing to imagination in destroying the foundation of Indian democracy, Union Minister Piyush Goyal has said. The Prime Minister introduced ministers in both the Houses and that is a tradition that's been going on for 70-odd years and the opposition for the