Addressing the media, the Union Minister for Electronics and IT, Ravi Shankar Prasad said that social media platforms will be classified under two categories - social media intermediaries and significant social media intermediaries - with the latter being subject to greater obligations. The
Monday, 08 February 2021 - 23:06
The Netherlands have announced that they are suspending all adoptions from abroad with immediate effect, after an official inquiry found many abuses.
The Netherlands is suspending international adoptions after a government commission found that some children had been stolen or purchased from their birth parents, Legal Protection Minister Sander Dekker announced on Monday.
An investigative commission has found that some children from Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka were taken from their parents. The commission reports that officials knew of the abuse since the 1960s.
The commission was set up under pressure from increasing numbers of grown-up adopted children who began to research their roots and often found that their birth documents had been forged or lost, or that their adoption had been illegal.
The situation is grim, and tough penal action is imminent if Twitter does not put its artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems in place and remove controversial hashtags from its platform, and block accounts believed to be linked to Khalistan sympathisers and those backed by Pakistan.The
The situation is grim, and tough penal action is imminent if Twitter does not put its artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems in place and remove controversial hashtags from its platform, and block accounts believed to be linked to Khalistan sympathisers and those backed by Pakistan.The
1. “
” at Pace Gallery, New York
If you, like me, have ever wanted to be able to articulate responses to Tara Donovan’s something-extraordinary-from-nothing-special installations that are fitter for intelligent company than, “WTF, how did she do this?!” then Wednesday afternoon presents a golden opportunity.
To provide the high-level context Donovan’s current solo show at Pace’s New York flagship (through March 6) deserves, the gallery will host an online panel discussion between Museum of Contemporary Art Denver curator Nora Abrams, University of Chicago professor and Smart Museum of Art adjunct curator Christine Mehring, and UC Santa Barbara art and architectural history professor Jenni Sorkin. Mark Beasley, curatorial director of Pace Live, will handle moderating duties. Join me on the path to enlightenment.