Enter the Gungeon. It’s a gorgeously animated 2D pixel fighter dedicated to aerial battles, with your goal being to either knock your opponents off the stage or reduce their health to zero. As if that weren’t enough of a gimmick,
Indie Pogo takes a leaf out of
Divekick‘s book and simplifies the control scheme down to one button and directional input. Just like its predecessor, it manages to make something incredibly simple into an incredibly good time!
It’s pretty obvious where the name
Indie Pogo came from–in this game, everyone is constantly jumping (with the tentative exception of Velocispider, who needs to stay close to the ground to be viable), and it’s so much fun to watch them all bounce around swinging at each other. Needless to say, Meat Boy fits right into the mayhem. He’s a bit more durable in this installment, but still as small and squared-off as ever, and his movelist is full of sliding punches and buzzsaws. Most importantly, he’s got the mo