SYDNEY, Australia Before the coronavirus pandemic surged, Drisya Dilin dropped her daughter off with her parents in India, expecting to bring her to Australia a month later. That was more than a year ago. Now, any attempt to get the 5-year-old to Australia, where she is a permanent resident, brings a threat of jail time or large fines. She’s one of about 8,000 Australians affected by an unprecedented travel ban that began on Monday, prompted.
Oxygen cylinders outside a shop in South Delhi. A court said it would start punishing government officials for failing to deliver oxygen.Credit.Atul Loke for The New York Times
A severe shortage of medical oxygen in New Delhi, the center of power in India, has left people gasping for their final breaths in their hospital beds, a sign of government futility in its fight against a crushing Covid wave.
On Sunday, the New Delhi High Court said that it would start punishing government officials for failing to deliver oxygen after hospitals in the capital successfully sought an injunction, The Associated Press reported.
Australia Tells Its Citizens in India Amid Covid Crisis: Don’t Come Home
Critics condemned the move to temporarily bar Australians, including children, as unnecessarily harsh, a violation of citizenship principles and a cultural double standard. Officials say the policy is necessary.
A beach in Melbourne, Australia, in February. The country, which has returned to some semblance of normalcy, has strict travel restrictions.Credit.Erik Anderson/Australian Associated Press, via Associated Press
Published May 3, 2021Updated May 19, 2021
SYDNEY, Australia Before the coronavirus pandemic surged, Drisya Dilin dropped her daughter off with her parents in India, expecting to bring her to Australia a month later. That was more than a year ago.
Covid 19 coronavirus: Australia tells its citizens in India - don t come home
3 May, 2021 07:34 PM
7 minutes to read
A worker carries wood on a hand cart as multiple funeral pyres of Covid-19 victims burn at a crematorium on the outskirts of New Delhi, India. Photo / AP
A worker carries wood on a hand cart as multiple funeral pyres of Covid-19 victims burn at a crematorium on the outskirts of New Delhi, India. Photo / AP
New York Times
By: Damien Cave and Livia Albeck-Ripka
Critics condemned the move to temporarily bar Australians, including children, as unnecessarily harsh, a violation of citizenship principles and a cultural double standard. Officials say the policy is necessary.
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In the latest travel advisory issued on April 7, the government has warned Australians planning to travel to India or already travelling or living there about the serious health risks from the COVID-19 pandemic, following a high number of positive coronavirus cases being reported in the country.
Australian Government rules out travel bubble with India
New Zealand suspends travel from India due to a surge in COVID cases among returning travellers Do not go overseas: A travel ban is in place. Exemptions apply
‘COVID-19 infection numbers are increasing rapidly across India. Night-time curfews have been imposed in some major cities to curb transmission. Penalties may be imposed if you breach the curfews. The ban on international commercial flights remains in place. Monitor media and follow the advice of local authorities,’ states the government’s updated guidelines for travel to India.