There has been a recent surge in the popularity of school gardening programmes with different models claiming to address learning outcomes within the curriculum. For example, the ‘kitchen garden’ concept has had a rapid uptake across many Australian schools, promoted by both government curriculum support documents, and private organisations. Research points to the ‘use’ of school gardens as an initiative that predominantly draws on discourses of health, wellbeing and sustainability–sometimes together but also often quite separately. Despite the rapid uptake of gardening initiatives in schools, and the explicit mention of ‘gardening’ in State based variations of the Australian National Curriculum, we know very little about how school gardens are being conceptualised by Health and Physical Education (HPE) teachers as part of their teaching–either in primary or secondary contexts. This paper utilises data from a larger study which investigated how 24 generalist
Sky fireballs and a shark in the stars: Indigenous art and astronomy
Meriam elder Uncle Segar Passi shares his knowledge of weather, wildlife, sea, land and sky and how they influence his artwork, now featured on a new commemorative coin
By Associate Professor Duane Hamacher, University of Melbourne
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At his community-built workshop on Mer island (Murray Island) in the eastern Torres Strait, Uncle Segar Passi, explains how he watches the position of the setting Sun from his front patio each night, noting its location and relating that to the time of year and changes in seasonal cycles.
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A STEINER school at Agnes Water has had its capacity increased following a vote by Gladstone Regional Council this week.
Established in 2015, the Goora Gan Steiner School has been operating from the Agnes Water Surf Club, which is in a conservation zone.
Council staff recommended councillors refuse the request for the âMaterial Change of Use of Premises for an Educational Establishmentâ, at councilâs December 15 meeting.
The school requested a change in capacity from 50 students and seven adults to 70 students and seven adults.
âThe applicant has stated that the Minor Change Application is being sought as the current venue located along Surf Club Avenue has attracted higher enrolment numbers than originally expected,â council papers stated.